Strategic Plan : Resident & Client consultation

Reflecting on our Charity's constitutional purposes, mission, vision and values, feedback received over the past year, legislative and regulatory changes, emerging governance challenges, and shifts in societal, customer, and workforce expectations, we have developed a strategic statement and 3 strategic objectives each containing 5 priority areas of focus. 

To develop these objectives and priorities into a meaningful strategic plan, we need your ideas and feedback to develop actions that will help us work together to achieve our goals.

Our 3 Strategic Objectives for 2025 - 2030

  1. Sustainability & Viability

Focusing on ensuring financial stability, workforce and customer retention, and strong community connections to maintain the long-term health and success of Village Baxter.

Scroll down to read the priority areas of focus for each strategic objective and the survey questions you will be asked in online survey links.

The surveys are anonymous, you will be asked to choose a service area that your provide feedback relates to, however you will not be asked for your name or any identifying information.

2. Accountability & Leadership

Emphasising transparency, effective governance, workforce engagement, and adaptability in response to change, with a strong commitment to high standards of care and service delivery

3. Excellence in Service, Understanding & Design

Ensuring exceptional standards in care, service, workforce development, and operational efficiency, while promoting collaboration, understanding, and policy engagement to continuously improve our services and environments.

Strategic Objectives and priority areas of focus

Sustainability and Viability : our priority areas of focus

1.    Financial sustainability through strategic planning, risk management, and investment.

2.    Workforce stability, retention, and development, with a focus on training and succession planning.

3.    Customer satisfaction and strong community connections.

4.    Efficient, cost-effective systems, processes, and workflows supported by technology and training investments.

5.    Collaborative, resilient approaches to climate change impacts and broader social and community challenges.

Accountability and Leadership : our priority areas of focus

1.    A competent knowledgeable Workforce supported by policies and processes, appropriate supervision, feedback, and engagement.

2.    Transparency in reporting and prioritising safety, health, and wellbeing.

3.    Effective operations and management structures supported by comprehensive governance frameworks and KPI-driven performance systems.

4.    Regular auditing and reliable decision-making frameworks.

5.    Contributions to government and industry policy formulation.

Excellence in Service, Understanding, and Design : our priority areas of focus

1.    Clear communication pathways and accessible systems, policies, and processes.

2.    Engaged advisory bodies and purposeful committees.

3.    Mapped customer journeys for seamless service transitions.

4.    Personalised, compassionate, safe care & clinical support underpinned by a clinical governance framework and dynamic quality improvement system.

5.    Engagement with government, community, and industry groups to navigate, improvement, change and compliance.

Resident & Client Consultation Questions

Please click the headings below or the blue survey buttons above to go to the survey link and share your answers

Sustainability and Viability

  1. What specific actions or cost savings could we take to ensure our services remain affordable and sustainable while meeting your needs?

  2. What programs or initiatives would help ensure staff are well-trained, motivated, and able to deliver the best service to you?

  3. What activities or events could we introduce to strengthen our connection with you and the broader community?

  4. What changes to our systems or processes would make it easier for you to interact with us or access our services?

  5. What practical steps should we take to address challenges like climate change or other social issues that affect your experience as our customer?

Accountability and Leadership

  1. What specific actions could we take to ensure our Staff provide you with consistent and reliable information and support?

  2. What can we do to improve your confidence in our commitment to safety, health, and wellbeing?

  3. What changes or improvements would you like to see in how we manage and deliver our services to you?

  4. What steps could we take to make our decision-making processes more transparent and understandable for you?

  5. What issues, that matter to you, should we advocate for when working with government or industry groups?

Excellence in Service, Understanding, and Design

1.      What changes could we make to ensure our communication and processes are clear, accessible, and easy for you to navigate?

2.      How would you like to be involved in shaping our services through feedback or committee opportunities?

3.      What specific improvements could we make to ensure transitions or changes in our services are as seamless as possible for you?

4.      If you receive care from the Manor or Homecare, what additional support, care, or services would make you feel that your needs are being met in a more personalised and compassionate way?

5.      How can we better collaborate with government, community, or industry groups to improve your experience and meet your needs?